The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
72960 Parkview Drive, Palm Desert
Phone: +1 760-837-0437
Opening hours:
Church Establishment Place of worship
Suggest updates
There are 2 ward and 1 Spanish Branch or in layman terms 3 congregations that meet at this building. ALL visitors are welcome. The worship day is Sunday, the first block begins at 9:00am; then another at 11:00am and the final block is 1:00pm. The first hour is the Sacrament meeting, which is an opportunity for members to partake of the bread and water in remembrance of the atonement and sacrifice of the Son of God who is Jesus Christ. Rather than be baptized for the remission of sins each time, baptism occurs one time than sacrament is taken once a week to renew the baptismal covenant so that members will remember Christ; his birth, life, teachings, example, his suffering in Gethsemane, his trial with Pontus Pilot, his crucifiction at Calvary or Gogatha, and His glorious resurrection and victor from death so all may live. After the sacrament is partaken by members, members and visitors witness talks and testimonies of the teachings learned and doctrines expounded to learn better to live the example of Christ, living as a new creature in Christ so that all who are there with a humble heart and a contrite spirit may feel the Holy Ghost touch their hearts and open their minds to the truth. It is when all in the congregation or ward are one heart that the outpouring of the Holy Ghost is manifest and ALL are edified, uplifted, and encouraged to live better the following week. The follow the admonish of Christ when he spoke, "If ye love me keep my commandments and know this, thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself." Truly, those seeking peace this world can find this in the meetings of a busy world when they attend these church meetings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.