Their focus is making money first and foremost. After being a customer for a while, learned today that all they care about is the fees. From out of town hospital called to cancel today's session and the only comment by Margarita was "you will be charged $65". Not are you ok? Not anything else. Well, since that is their focus then will go somewhere else. Also, She made Dave $65 without doing the work (which most likely they rebook) but lost $$$$ because all future appointments are cancelled. Dave is good but their customer treatment and business acumen is very poor.
Their focus is making money first and foremost. After being a customer for a while, learned today that all they care about is the fees. From out of town hospital called to cancel today's session and the only comment by Margarita was "you will be charged $65". Not are you ok? Not anything else. Well, since that is their focus then will go somewhere else. Also, She made Dave $65 without doing the work (which most likely they rebook) but lost $$$$ because all future appointments are cancelled. Dave is good but their customer treatment and business acumen is very poor.