I've been a client of Frank Bliss for over 12 years. His office runs like a Swiss watch- everyone there is terrific, and stays forever, which tells you a lot about the quality of the business. One time Frank showed me the back room where they keep an incredible earthquake preparedness kit- if there's a big quake, Frank plans to be set up on the curb outside whatever's left of his building helping his clients the next day. Absolutely terrific local businesses like Frank's are what make the East Bay still a great place to live.
I've been a client of Frank Bliss for over 12 years. His office runs like a Swiss watch- everyone there is terrific, and stays forever, which tells you a lot about the quality of the business. One time Frank showed me the back room where they keep an incredible earthquake preparedness kit- if there's a big quake, Frank plans to be set up on the curb outside whatever's left of his building helping his clients the next day. Absolutely terrific local businesses like Frank's are what make the East Bay still a great place to live.