A little bit dated and for some reason the GPS led us to the wrong place- we arrived late so it's hard to find at night. Keep in mind if you come after hours the key is located in an electronic storage box at the main office in the Lake Arrowhead Village across from the Stader Brothers market. Some units have parking spots which are a short distance away which can be tough when it's snowing. However the accommodations were spacious and reasonably priced for a timeshare.
A little bit dated and for some reason the GPS led us to the wrong place- we arrived late so it's hard to find at night. Keep in mind if you come after hours the key is located in an electronic storage box at the main office in the Lake Arrowhead Village across from the Stader Brothers market. Some units have parking spots which are a short distance away which can be tough when it's snowing. However the accommodations were spacious and reasonably priced for a timeshare.