Beware of this store as they are attempting to do 80's style credit card copying and expose your information to credit card fraud and minimum wage employees who probably want to take your credit card shopping online.
Worst possible experience. Ordered online and paid online with credit card, I waited over 2 hours for a lady to get here and demand that I give her my credit card to make a carbon copy. Seriously a carbon copy? This isn't the 80's and I had already made payment to the round table website. I am not going to expose myself further to fraud by giving a carbon copy to some pizza delivery driver. Since I refused to let her make a copy of my credit card she refused to deliver the pizza I paid for and took it back. I called the store and a girl named Ashley answered identifying herself as a shift manager, like the driver was extremely rude and told me that it was their policy to make carbon copies of credit cards because people like me may be committing credit card fraud.. Website took payment and the billing address for the credit card matches the address where it was being delivered to. She told me if I don't want to give them a carbon copy of my credit card then I should take my business elsewhere in the future. She also refused to provide me with a corporate contact # when asked or ability to speak to a store manager or higher.
Beware of this store as they are attempting to do 80's style credit card copying and expose your information to credit card fraud and minimum wage employees who probably want to take your credit card shopping online. Worst possible experience. Ordered online and paid online with credit card, I waited over 2 hours for a lady to get here and demand that I give her my credit card to make a carbon copy. Seriously a carbon copy? This isn't the 80's and I had already made payment to the round table website. I am not going to expose myself further to fraud by giving a carbon copy to some pizza delivery driver. Since I refused to let her make a copy of my credit card she refused to deliver the pizza I paid for and took it back. I called the store and a girl named Ashley answered identifying herself as a shift manager, like the driver was extremely rude and told me that it was their policy to make carbon copies of credit cards because people like me may be committing credit card fraud.. Website took payment and the billing address for the credit card matches the address where it was being delivered to. She told me if I don't want to give them a carbon copy of my credit card then I should take my business elsewhere in the future. She also refused to provide me with a corporate contact # when asked or ability to speak to a store manager or higher.