Owner is a complete A$$ Hole! Shop somewhere else! This guy doesn't belong in business in Oceanside. Catering to and feeding off of the local homeless population with tons of affordable mini bottles of liquor. Property is in a shambles, unsightly and trashed. DOZENS OF THOSE MINI BOOZE BOTTLES strewn along the gutters, in the alley and throughout the parking lot and surrounding areas. THIS PLACE IS A CANCER TO OUR COMMUNITY AND NEEDS TO GO!
Owner is a complete A$$ Hole! Shop somewhere else! This guy doesn't belong in business in Oceanside. Catering to and feeding off of the local homeless population with tons of affordable mini bottles of liquor. Property is in a shambles, unsightly and trashed. DOZENS OF THOSE MINI BOOZE BOTTLES strewn along the gutters, in the alley and throughout the parking lot and surrounding areas. THIS PLACE IS A CANCER TO OUR COMMUNITY AND NEEDS TO GO!